Size wise, Blackberry Playbook compressed size (194 x 130 x 10 mm) 51 x 76 x 04, and weight (400 g), which is 09 pounds thinner and lighter than manual iPad2 whose dimensions are the same (2412 x 1857 x 88) 95731034 for £ 13 cm and weighing about 613gms aesthetic, it seems best iPad2, and the Blackberry is signed, the compact size make the pills Playbook Blackberry shop in order, but the compact has come at the expense of the small screen.
Blackberry Playbook Tablet modest 7-inch LCD with 1024 x 600, even though the accession of 1080p video, many users are very small screen, she found a small, small-screen navigation system is able to function, leaving the Blackberry Playbook iPad2 however, has a 97 - inch display with a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels to eliminate iPad2 large screen is ideal for notebooks and laptops to replace the small screen only Blackberry Playbook could not find the camera and smartphones feelingThe Another category is that these two devices were compared, the Blackberry is without doubt the two HD camcorders.
BlackBerry Brochure 3-megapixel camera for video conferencing front and a 5 megapixel camera on the back, stunning images and video to capture 1080p comparison, was iPad2 in this category, a brief, but are equipped with two cameras, a front VGA camera can capture 720p resolution video and only about 1 megapixel camera can also record video at 720p, and permits for 5 times digital zoom images, multiple processors deciding factor when buying both processors are head to head with top-end BlackBerry playbook a powerful 1 GHz dual-core processor and place of the full 1 GHz RAM in dual iPad2 A5 with 1 GHz and 512 MB of RAM in your arsenal.
The songs iPad2 Advanced Edition DCI DCI 43 A5 processor enables ultra-fast, not only iPad2, increases graphics performance in many folds, Blackberry Playbook for the QNX operating system is running, multi-tasking is damaged, the presence of Flash uses BlackBerry tablets also the same, both have memory within the same opportunities, 16GB, 32GB or 64GB offer.
Battery life is one of the categories, where IPAD iPad2 Blackberry Playbook ensure fair and decent battery life is 20 to 10 hours, while the Blackberry has a maximum of 6 hours.
Connectivity is another category in which the iPhone 2 on board, Apple iPhone 2 with Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi is available 3G + Another version of the iPhone 3G has two compatible with Verizon Wireless, Wi-Fi BlackBerry playbook not others, or pills to start Wi-Fi.

Comparison between two giants in the second year and report Blackberry iPhone Book, and then run the last set of devices and Blackberry Playbook features that were considered best in terms of portability and web-browsing iPad2 appeared in the batteries and start winning communications should be remembered that our beautiful area author under iPad tablet Tablet BlackBerry and other interesting news you need to know before buying Tablet Blackberry or iPhone.